Learning Switch tutorial on Ryu + OVS 2.0 + OF 1.3

This tutorial aims to make you get in touch with some subtleties of the OpenFlow 1.3. The requirements for this tutorial are:

  • Mininet 2.1 (If you haven’t installed it yet, follow this link)
  • Ryu (If you haven’t installed it yet, follow this link)
  • OpenVSwitch 2.0 (If you haven’t installed it yet, follow this link)
  • Openflow 1.3 (If you haven’t installed it yet, follow this link)

So this tutorial will follow these steps:

  1. Test OVS 2.0 + RYU(OF1.0)
  2. Test MN user’s switch + MN controller. ( Verify it doesn’t work.)
  3. Test OVS 2.0 +MN controller. ( Verify it works)
  4. Test MN user’s switch + RYU (OF1.0). ( Verify it doesn’t work.)
  5. Test MN user’s switch + RYU (OF1.3). ( Verify works fine.)
  6. Test OVS 2.0 (OF1.0) + RYU (OF1.3)
  7. Test OVS 2.0 (OF1.3) + RYU (OF1.3)
  8. Conclude OVS 2.0 (OF1.0+1.3) + RYU (OF1.3) rules!

SO, in this tutorial we will test several scenarios. The initial problem we faced with OF1.3 was negotiation. Basically, if controller and switch don’t match versions they won’t talk, and won’t work.

I will give you the best solution in advance, then if you want to understand a lil better you can read the article to the end. The best solution is to enable OVS 2.0 switches to work with all versions of OF AND make sure RYU is running the right code.

Start ryu with OF13. (Note in line 20 of the code that Ryu imports OF13)

cd ryu
 PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/ryu-manager ryu/app/simple_switch_13.py

Start Mininet:

sudo mn --topo linear,4 --mac --switch ovsk --controller remote
h1 ping h4

Enable OpenFlow 1.3 in the switches. ( you need to open a new terminal with xterm s1 for that)

ovs-vsctl set bridge s1 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13
ovs-vsctl set bridge s2 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13
ovs-vsctl set bridge s3 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13
ovs-vsctl set bridge s4 protocols=OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13

The article is not finished haha, I will finish it ASAP.

I'm a Network Engineer with software development experiences. MSCS from Georgia Tech. CCNA certified. ONF-SDN certified.

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Posted in OpenFlow 1.3, SDN
3 comments on “Learning Switch tutorial on Ryu + OVS 2.0 + OF 1.3
  1. Herdito Wahyu says:

    can you continue this tutorial?
    or can i have your contact?


  2. Hello, my contact is castro.flavio (at) gatech.edu. Feel free to email me.

    I’m not sure when I’ll be able to finish the tutorial,

    but if you want to have some examples of openflow 1.3 usage you can check this dirty code of this “almost” finished application.


    Please tell me if it is helpful.


  3. I read this paragraph fully about the difference of latest and previous technologies, it’s remarkable article.


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